
Say NO to Genetic Engineering

P.O. Box 20228
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 7A2

Of tremendous interest to this petition for a moratorium, was the tabling of a notice of motion by the NDP party's leader, Todd Hardy on Tuesday December 4.
His words as recorded from Hansard:
*Mr. Hardy:*  I give notice of the following motion:

THAT it is the opinion of this House that

1) there have yet to be long-term health studies done around the introduction of genetically engineered crops, known as GE crops;

2) the effects of GE crops on the environment have yet to be ascertained;

3) socio-economic impacts of GE crops have been devastating in some parts of the world;

4) GE crops, once planted, could cause irreversible harm to our natural ecosystems and sustainable farms;

5) the Yukon is one of the only regions in North America that remain uncontaminated by GE crops;

6) there is currently no legislation preventing the planting of GE crops in the Yukon; and

THAT this House urges the Yukon government to put in place a 10-year moratorium on the planting of any genetically engineered seed in the Yukon and to use that time period to consult with the Yukon people and study the implications of GE crops from a health, environmental and socio-economic perspective.

Although the legislature will  sit until December 13, Mr Hardy says "We do not have another motion day left till the spring but we are ready to move forward on this issue as soon as is possible."

All in all a very positive show of support by the NDP Party who have previously brought this issue forward.

Next posting will present the words of Minister Archie Lang in response to the petition.

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© Tom Rudge 2007